Give Ancient Shards A New Use With The Yama Update

Once you have emberlight ancient shards become useless and Skotizo becomes another clog boss (he wasn’t much more before). The addition of Yama and the new mining activity gives some opportunities to give a new use to these. Some suggestions:

Yama Teleport: Make these teleport to Yama instead of adding another little unique scroll. Fits thematically as it’s already a teleport item and just add it to the drop table.

Mining Activity: Allow these to be traded in for 10 ores, or even better, allow them to be used in a special way to increase harvest rate or something.

Yama PVM: Give one of these to Yama to make contracts more interesting or as a token to make the boss more soloable for one fight (or something else I can’t really think of anything better).

Would love to hear some better suggestions, I just hate picking these up hoping they’ll one day be relevant again.

Once you have emberlight ancient shards become useless and Skotizo becomes another clog boss (he wasn’t much more before). The addition of Yama and the new mining activity gives some opportunities to give a new use to these. Some suggestions:

Yama Teleport: Make these teleport to Yama instead of adding another little unique scroll. Fits thematically as it’s already a teleport item and just add it to the drop table.

Mining Activity: Allow these to be traded in for 10 ores, or even better, allow them to be used in a special way to increase harvest rate or something.

Yama PVM: Give one of these to Yama to make contracts more interesting or as a token to make the boss more soloable for one fight (or something else I can’t really think of anything better).

Would love to hear some better suggestions, I just hate picking these up hoping they’ll one day be relevant again.