Friend is getting 99 slayer today. Potential community request.
Hey there OSRS community. Tonight, my friend and longtime RuneScape scaper is achieving a long awaited 99 slayer cape that is over a decade in the making.
I no longer play, and am thinking to myself that back in the hayday we would have a mass of people shouting flash2: congratsssss.
He's doing a tz Tok jad run as his final task and should achieve it right outside of the cave. I thought it would be fun to request to this community and see if anyone would be interested or could help me out with maybe surprising him with a mob of people outside of the fight caves. Should be around 7pm mountain time 8 central.
Would be like a hilariously funny thing to see a bunch of people and him thinking no one would be there.
Edit 1: I've been told he is in world 445 right now but idk if that's where he will be. It probably will be.
Edit2: 5:14 mountain time : he said he was gonna try to aim for halftime of the nuggets game. So that should be around 7:40 or so mountain time. I will edit this again with the world number and the exact time he starts the caves and again when he's on the last several waves.
Edit 7:52 MST. He's on round 58! World 330
Edit 4: OMG! Thank you OSRS subreddit for making this super awesome for my homie! This community shows up and shows our! I love it.